Friday, June 26, 2015

Half Days of Half of the Brood

So usually I do a little post about Kidz Gig, our church's version of VBS.  Well, I don't have any pictures of what Tav and Koen have been enjoying at Kidz Gig (and they've been loving it this year), so I'm going to tell my side of Kidz Gig week.  It's been a blast!!  Koen and Tav leave a little before 9am and don't return until a little after 2pm.  That whole time, it's just me and the little guys.  A nice breather after the shock of starting summer with all 4 at home and figuring out how to balance it all, especially with the youngest being an infant.  It's given me time to focus on Penn.  He's been so much more relaxed and chill with less brothers around vying for attention and toys.  It's been more relaxed as I don't bother making grand plans with Penn.  He could care less and just enjoys playing somewhere in my vicinity.  On Monday, we had the car and we ran some errands and he was just a happy little helper.  On Tuesday, I decided this week was the perfect (or as perfect as it would get this summer) opportunity to shift Jansen's schedule to feedings every 4 hours instead of every 3.  He took a huge morning nap that day making me feel good about the decision and it afforded Penn and I a lot of time to hang out.  I got a bulletin board project done (where I keep all their stuff organized, but yet hidden in the laundry room!).
Penn played with magnets on the dryer for awhile during my project and then went on to macaroni on the kitchen floor (note he's wearing a Kidz Gig shirt to be like his brothers).
After my project, Penn and I spent the rest of our time in the backyard.  I got the whole thing weeded while he played with trucks and dirt.  Perfect.  After Jansen woke up and I fed him, we all enjoyed a nice walk to the grocery store, then returned home for a simple lunch.  Everything is just so much quieter and calmer and easier with 2 out of 4!  On Wednesday, we had more fun at home.  It was a gorgeous day, so we spent as much time outside as possible.  We did have some indoor time though with Penn's speech therapist, Allison.  It was Penn's last Early Intervention session with her because he is turning three on Friday and will therefore disqualify from services.  We of course had to get a picture.  Can't you tell how much he loves her?!
Thursday the weather was more blah and I think Penn was coming down with a little virus (snotty and whiney...classic signs!).  So, we mostly stayed indoors.  We did a special project and made banana bread during Jansen's nap.  Here's my little baker! 
Friday (today) is Penn's birthday!  Unfortunately, he did indeed come down with some kind of a summer cold.  He was still full of energy at first though and popped out of bed when Tav, Koen and I came into his room to wake him with a round of "Happy Birthday."  After Koen and Tavin left for Kidz Gig his energy quickly dwindled, so I totally gave in and let the birthday boy watch TV for awhile during Jansen's nap.  Then we headed on a walk to Children's Hospital for speech therapy.  I know, sounds rough to have to do that on your birthday, but Penn doesn't look at it as work really, it's his special session with Miss Christal, where he, Melder boy #3, gets one-on-one attention.  Who would want to pass that up on account of a little cold??  After speech, Doug picked us up and took us to Kidz Gig to meet up with the big boys and take part in the celebratory end-of-week picnic.  I had all intentions of taking a picture or two (or you know me...ten) of my campers and I got caught up in helping them all with lunch and chatting with other parents, etc. that I didn't get a chance to.  Oh well, thanks to everyone at North Way for a super fun week for Koen and Tavin and a super fun week for Penn, Jansen and I at home!

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