Sunday, January 3, 2016

Christmas Break 2015/16, Part 2

Just another quick update of what we've been up to since Christmas Day.  It's been a pretty simple Christmas Break with lots of time at home, but we've been so blessed to share much of the time with Gramma, Grampa, Aunt Abbie and Uncle Zac.

Here's Tavin the day after Christmas with his Christmas present bike bell attached to Koen's old bike (a step up from Tav's first two-wheeler).  He took to it immediately.  Thumbs up, of course!  Good work, Tav!
On Sunday afternoon, Tav and Koen got to go to the Children's Museum with Uncle Zac and Aunt Abbie.  It was their Christmas gift to them.  The boys couldn't have been happier.  Here's the few pics and videos I got from their fun time there.  Thanks, Uncle Zac & Aunt Abbie!

Jansen is by far my least stranger danger baby.  He snuggles up to all the family, which is such a special blessing.  I'm so thankful that he lets me share him with my loved ones.  Here's the happy little guy with all his favs!

The adults got a lot done with the new 1000 piece puzzle in the evening when the boys were in bed.  
Aunt Abbie is acting like Tavin would in a picture.  =)
Jansen is just really growing up daily.  He's trying to talk, he's trying to walk, he's buzzing around crawling, he's eating like mad and he is so interactive.  So much fun!

 Tav and Koen played quite a game of Sorry together.  Tav is not an easy game-player.  Sillyness mixed with the fact he's six and not eight makes for a very long game.  Koen and Gramma were good sports!
Koen adores Uncle Zac.  They worked on a little project together one afternoon.  This was the picture I got out of them.  What a pair!
Uncle Zac and Aunt Abbie left on Monday.  It was sad to see them go, but thankfully Gramma and Grampa still had a few days before they had to head home.  On Wednesday, it was a relatively mild day so we headed to the zoo on a big family outing.  It was great!  Here are some highlights.

Jansen loved watching the elephants in their indoor environment (waiting for their lunch!).
Grampa, Penn and Tav are acting like elephants in this elephant transport box (I don't think you are supposed to call it a cage!).

We headed up to the aquarium.  We got so lucky and had an amazing show from the polar bears that were in the water playing together.  We stayed there for at least a half hour taking it in both up above and down below.  Such a special thing to watch!!  What amazing animals!

So cool!!  Gramma and Grampa accompanied us to the zoo, but I failed to get a picture of them with us there.  We all had a great time though.  I didn't take too many more pictures in the last few days of their stay.  But here's a great one of Gramma and Jansen.
On New Year's Eve, Doug and I had the privilege of attending a good friend's wedding (and we had the treat that Gramma and Grampa were still in town to babysit).  Jansen was super cranky after dinner, so I got ready with him in the Ergo.  And by ready, I mean I put my hair in curlers and then did an up-do while wearing a baby.  I was pretty impressed with myself.  My mom took a picture of the hilarity of it all though (with Koen, my shadow, hanging beside).  Note that this is not the up-do, but with the curlers in!
On the 1st, Gramma and Grampa took off for home.  It's always hard to say goodbye.  Thanks so much for being with us through the holiday season.  It really makes it seem like Christmas to have you here.  

The final few days of the boys' Christmas break has been very calm, just the 6 of us hanging out, doing our thing.  Penn and Tav have been amazing pals these two weeks.  Penn is really going to miss Tav when he heads back to school.  And Janse is going to miss his big bro, Koen.  Here are a few videos of Jansen and Koen doing their thing.  Jansen adores Koen and laughs his head off at him.  Enjoy!

Well, that's it for Christmas Break 2015/16.  Back to school tomorrow!!

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